Originally the club's name was the Sun Parlor Multi Flyers but in 1966 it became the Sun Parlor Radio Control Flyers Inc.(SPRCF) with Percy Grondin our first President. Percy also served as President of the Model Aeronautics Association Of Canada (MAAC).
The first flying field was at a sod farm owned by Harry Pettypiece. When he retired it was sold to "Farmer Jack" and in 1973 a decision was made to leave and a lease was arranged for use of the old landfill site situated off the Puce road. A great deal of hard work was put forth by the membership to make the new field compatible and in memory was the longest least rewarding time in the history of the club.
Late in 1974, a verbal agreement for use of the "Tower Field" was negotiated between Wally Dowhan, chief engineer for CKWW at that time and Percy Grondin with the flying site location, access and the field rules being part of the agreement. The "Tower Field" became the club home.
Incorporating the "Wings Program" the club enjoys a beginners program which allows new members to become involved in the hobby with less pain and expense than ever before, while at the same time ensuring a maximum of safety at the field. Wednesday nights are set aside for beginners.
In about 1995 one of our long time members, George Mock realized the club needed a presence on the web. He developed and maintained the SPRCF website. Some of the current website contains his original content. George continues to take club photos and document SPRCF history.
The SPRCF continues to operate with the support and hard work of many over the years and we thank all of those who have contributed greatly for the betterment of all.
Blast from the past
In January 1972 our Dues were $10.00 with a $12.00 Assessment and MAAC was $8.00 for a total of $30.00.
In February 1972 The Emitter printed the "Wings Program" and was mailed using an 8 cent stamp.
Toledo was Feb 26 & Feb 27 in Maumee, Ohio.
In March 1972 we had 20 members.
In April 1972 we had our first Concours d'Elegance at Devonshire Mall.
July 1972 - Our Annual Pattern Contest - 14 Contestants.
35 Years Ago
April 1973 - Our Concours d' Elegance had 9 entries. I finished 9th!!!!!
April 1973 - Our second Mall display at Devonshire Mall.
July 1973 - Our Annual Pattern Contest - 12 Contestants.
Dec 1973 - Our FFFFFF (Final Frozen Finger Fly For Fun) at Farmer Jacks - we did not renew our lease.